Did you know that:
A chicken moves at about 9 MPH when it wants to.
There are more chickens on Earth than there are humans. Some say there are 19 - 25 billion chickens in the world.
Uneaten, a chicken can live 8 years.
The largest ever recorded chicken egg weight 12 ounces and measured 12.25 inches around.
Chickens can cross breed with turkeys. The result is called a 'Turkin'.
There are almost three chickens to every one person
A chicken will lay bigger and stronger eggs if you adjust the lighting in their cages to make them think each day is 28 hours long, instead of 24.
There are four cities in the United States that have the word "chicken" in their name: Chicken, Alaska; Chicken Bristle, Illinois; Chicken Bristle, Kentucky; and Chicken Town, Pennsylvania.
The largest ever recorded chicken egg weighed nearly 12 ounces, and measured 12.25 inches around
When chickens sleep they experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which means they dream just like we do.
If you have the time go check these sites out. They give more info on this topic.
Also if you want to know the sad side of a chickens tale go here:
Finally check this pdf out:
Hope you all learnt something new about chickens:D See you in my next post
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